Cut the stem diagonally with a sharp knife and put them in a little warm water.
Add Interflora flower food to the hot water. That will keep the water free of bacteria.
Since sunflowers are big drinkers, you should fill the vase a bit every day, instead of filling up the vase. .
! Use warm water when you first put them in the water.
Cut the stem of the peonie diagonally with a sharp knife and put them in warm water.
Add Interflora flower food to the water. That will keep the water free of bacteria.
Change the water on a regular base and cut each time several centimeters of the stem.
! Make sure there is no leaf in the water. That gives bad nutrition to the flower.
Use the glass Nobels vase from Interflora.
A vase of pottery or stone is less recommended because bacterias are hiding in the pores of the vase.
These bacterias clog the vascular bundles in the stem of the flower so that the gladiolus can drink less and will faint.
Cut the stem diagonally with a sharp knife and remove the leaves, so the gladiolus can absorb more water.
! Do not place the vase with gladiolus in direct sunlight of near ripening fruit.
Those who think of Chrysanthemums often think of an old-fashioned bunch of flowers. However Chrysanthemums are versatile flowers that can get all the colors of the rainbow except blue. You can use them as a terrace plant or as a cut flower in a bouquet.
If you have of want to buy them as a terrace plant, you will notice that they are very easy to maintain. With a minimum of care, they bloom for about 2 months.
Do you have a bouquet filled with Chrysanthemums? Then use the following advice:
- Take a clean vase with clean water
- Cut the stems with a sharp knife
- Remove the leaves that will hang in the water
- Add the cut flower nutrition
- Fill the vase regularly with water and replace the water after 5 days.
- Do not put the flowers in full sun