
Version 1.0 - Date: 23/11/2023 



1 Identity and contact details of the controller?

This privacy policy is applicable to any and all personal data that are being processed by FLEUROP-INTERFLORA, having its registered office at the Hoge Wei 1 in (1930) Zaventem, with enterprise number VAT BE0402.712.029, which is the controller of this website.


The Controller attaches ample importance to your privacy and therefore processes your personal data in conformity with European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as: the GDPR) as also with any future or supplemental legislation for the implementation of the same, where applicable.


You can always contact us with further questions or comments in connection with the way that we handle your personal data, either by email via or by post via the aforementioned postal address.


Our DPO (Mr. Franklin BV – can also be reached via the same contact details (with mention ‘attn. The DPO’).


2. What does “processing personal data” mean?

The processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as: “data”) comprises any processing of data that can identity you as a natural person. In this Privacy Policy, you can read what data this entails. The term “processing” is very broad and covers, inter alia, the collection, storage, and use of your data, or the sharing of your data with third parties.


3. What data do we process?

Below, we clarify what data about you we can process. Depending on the specific situation, your preferences, and the way that you contact us, we do not process all data indicated below about you.


3.1.1. Data customer account

It is possible to create a personal customer account via this website with which orders can be placed, purchases can be made, and a purchase history can be kept. By creating this kind of customer account, you provide the data manager the following information:

  • General identification details (surname, first name, date of birth);
  • Contact information (surname, first name, email address, telephone number);
  • Details of the payment card (account number, expiry date, name of the card holder);
  • Order history;
  • Company number and other business-related details, in so far as they can lead to identification of a natural person;
  • Delivery addresses (if different from the specified residential address);
  • Cart;
  • Gender (optional);
  • Account details (user name, password).


3.1.2. Data when placing an order without an account

However, it is not required to create an account to place an order. When this kind of order is placed, the following customer data are processed:

  • General identification details (surname, first name);
  • Contact information (surname, first name, email address, and address);
  • Details of the payment card;
  • Delivery address (if different from the billing address).


3.1.3. Data in case of contact with customer service

You can always contact the customer service of the company in case of questions, complaints, comments, etc. When you contact our customer service, we process the following data:

  • General identification details (surname, first name);
  • Contact information (surname, first name, email address, and address in so far as the reason for the contact with customer service is related to this);
  • Details of the payment card (in so far as the reason for the contact with customer service is related to this);
  • Ordered products/services and order number/customer number.


3.1.4. Data in the context of after-sales services, competitions, and other promotional activities

Customer friendliness, optimal customer perception, and service are valued considerably by Fleurop-Interflora. In the context of these activities, the data manager processes the following data:

  • General identification details (surname, first name);
  • Contact information (surname, first name, email address, and address, if relevant);
  • Ordered products/services and order number/customer number;
  • Feedback about the products sold and, more in general, about the services supplied.


3.2. Data of suppliers

Fleurop-Interflora hires external service providers and suppliers for various services/products. In this context, the data manager processes the following personal data of the said suppliers/service providers:

  • Contact details of the contact person within the company of the supplier/service provider (surname, first name, email address, telephone number);
  • Company number and other business-related details, in so far as they can lead to identification of a natural person;
  • Contractual information (e.g. company name, address, VAT number, agreement, etc.);
  • Payment and billing details (e.g. payment card information, invoices, etc.);
  • Account information for the platform (e.g. registration details of the account);
  • Feedback, testimonials, quotes, promotional material, e.g. Photos and videos (e.g. reviews and experiences with regard to our cooperation, testimonials, quotes, attendance at events, etc.).


3.3. Prospective employees

We can process the following supplemental data of potential employees, which predominantly depends on the data that you decide to make available to us in the context of your application:

  • Personal details (motivation letter, resume, diplomas);
  • Work-related details (previous professional experience, resume, etc.);
  • Personality information;
  • Photos


3.4. Visitors of the website

When you visit our website, as a customer or as a non-customer, the following personal data can be processed, depending on your personal preferences:

  • IP address, type of browser, location details, how the person ended up on the website, interests and the way that the person navigates the website (via strictly necessary, analytical, and marketing cookies);
  • Surname, first name, email address, telephone number, subject of contact, and contact message (via the online contact form);

Email address (via the online subscription form for the newsletter).


4. For what purposes do we process your data?

The personal data are exclusively processed in the context of the business and, in particular, for the following purposes:

  • In the context of our main activities
  • Organisation of events, competitions, and meetings
  • Participation in trade fairs
  • Compliance with administrative and tax obligations
  • Communication with customers and prospects
  • Employee recruitment procedure


5. On the basis of what processing grounds do we process your data?

We process your data for the purposes outlined below and we do not collect and process more or other types of data than those that we require for the said purposes.


We only process your data to the extent that this is based on one of the processing grounds that are enumerated in the GDPR, and as indicated below.


Statutory obligation

Certain data are processed by us in order to comply with statutory or regulatory obligations vested in us. For example in the context of tax and accounting obligations or in the area of data protection.


Required for the implementation of the agreement

Certain data are processed by us because this is required for the conclusion, implementation or termination of an agreement with you as the data subject. For example to contact, schedule, react to a request or request information in the context of the conclusion of a contractual relationship, but also the effective performance of the contractual instruction in the context of our core activity, in order to be able to supply you our services or to receive yours.


Legitimate interest

Certain data are processed by us on the basis of our legitimate interest, which in specific instances outweighs any potential detriment to your rights. For example to promote our activities at business contacts; to improve the quality of our services; to train employees and to evaluate and keep track of data and statistics related to our activities, in the broadest sense; to retain and use evidentiary material in the context of liability, procedures or disputes and in view of archiving the activities; and to guarantee the security, both online on this website and in our business premises.



Certain data are processed by us on the basis of your consent. For example to promote activities at potential business contacts; the use of certain analytical or marketing cookies; to place photos that contain personal data on our website and social media channels. Details of applicants shall only be retained after the recruitment procedure with consent.


6. Origin of the data

Most of the data that we process were obtained by us directly from you. In the context of our services it may be that we obtain data about you through external service providers or public sources.


7. With whom do we share your data?

We never transfer your data to third parties, unless this is strictly necessary in view of the aforementioned purposes or if we are required by law to do so.


It is possible to place international orders of which the delivery address is located in as well as outside the EU. When these kinds of orders are placed by our customers, certain data of the customer as well as the delivery address and data of the recipient of the flowers are shared with the company that we rely on for the delivery in and outside the EU. How the aforementioned data are processed by the delivering party (in or outside the EU) falls under the exclusive responsibility of the delivering party, even if relied on the Global Flower Service.


Where required, we rely on external service providers (processors) to support our operational objectives, e.g. the management of our websites and IT systems. These external service providers carry out, if so required, certain processing of data on our behalf. We shall only share your data with these external service providers to the degree that this is required for the relevant objective. The data cannot be used by them for any other purpose. Moreover, these service providers are contractually bound to guarantee the confidentiality of your data by means of a “processing agreement” that was concluded with these parties. 


Specifically, this implies that we share your data, where relevant in your situation, with the following third parties for the following purposes in the course of which these third parties act, in certain instances, as processors on our behalf:

  • Postal companies, transport and delivery companies, if we need to send you something by post;
  • Payment service providers if we receive payments from you, or vice versa;
  • External representatives and consultants or any other parties who are involved in the context of our main or ancillary activities;
  • The processors who assist us in the area of IT during the exploitation of our organisation, in view of secure and efficient digital data management within our organisation;
  • Official bodies, judicial authorities, and those performing regulated professions like accountants and lawyers, in view of compliance with our statutory obligations and defence of our interests, where required.


8. How long do we retain your data?

We do not retain your data longer than required for the purpose for which the data were collected or are being processed. As the period during which the data can be retained depends on the purposes for which the data were collected, the retention period can differ in each situation. Sometimes, specific legislation compels us to retain the data for a certain period. Our retention periods are always based on statutory requirements and a balancing of your rights and expectations and that which is useful and required for the implementation of the purposes. After expiry of the retention period your data are erased or rendered anonymous. 


9. Where do we retain your data and how are they protected?

We implemented appropriate security measures in the technical and organisational area in order to prevent the destruction, the loss, the falsification, the alteration, the unauthorised access or unlawful disclosure to third parties as well as any other unauthorised processing of these data in the context of our activities.


In addition, we also pay attention to the fact that the processors on whom we rely also implement appropriate security measures to limit the risks of incidents as much as possible.


If your data are, during the use of specific services or software tools, processed outside the European Economic Area (EEA) then this shall exclusively take place in countries of which the European Commission confirmed that they safeguard an appropriate level of protection of your data or measures shall be implemented in order to safeguard the lawful processing of your data in these third party countries.


10. What are your rights?

You are entitled to various rights with regard to the data about you that are being processed by us. If you want to rely on one of the following rights then please contact our GDPR Officer via the contact details included under the first section of this Privacy Policy.


Right to information and copy

You are entitled to inspect your data and to obtain a copy of the same. This right also includes the possibility of requesting further information about the processing of your data, including regarding the categories of data about you that are being processed and for what purposes this is taking place.


Right to correction or rectification

You are entitled to have your data corrected if you are of the opinion that we dispose of incorrect data.


Right to data erasure (right to be forgotten)

You are entitled to request that we erase your data without undue delay. However, we shall not always be able to honour this kind of request, inter alia when we still require the data in respect of an ongoing agreement, or when the retention of certain data about you during a certain period is required by law.


Right to protection of processing

You are entitled to have the processing of your data protected. This way the processing is temporarily discontinued until, for instance, certainty about the correctness is obtained.


Right to revoke your consent

When the processing is based on your consent, you are entitled to revoke this consent at any time by contacting us. You can easily revoke this consent for marketing messages that you receive from us by email by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this kind of message.


Right to object

You are entitled to object to the processing of your data that is based on the legitimate interest. This must take place on the basis of reasons specifically related to your situation. You can also object to the use of your data for the benefit of direct marketing. In case of marketing messages by email, an opt-out shall always be available.


Right to portability

You are entitled to obtain the data that you made available to us with your consent, or for the implementation of an agreement, in electronic form. This way they can easily be transferred to another organisation. You are moreover entitled to request us to transfer your data directly to another organisation, if this is technically possible.


Right to submit a complaint to your supervisory authority

If you are of the opinion that we process your data incorrectly then you are always entitled to submit a complaint to your supervisory authority in the area of data protection.


Belgian Data Protection Authority (DPA)

Drukpersstraat 35

1000 Brussels


11. How can you exercise your rights?

You can exercise your rights by contacting us, either by email via or by post to the Hoge Wei 1 in (1930) Zaventem, provided that a copy of the front of your identity card of another document with which you can be identified is included. The copy shall only be used to identify you in accordance with the GDPR.


12. Changes?

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy. The latest version is always available on our websites. You can find the date when this Privacy Policy was last changed at the top. In case of a substantial change of the Privacy Policy we shall, where possible, notify the data subjects, who are impacted by the change, directly.






“Fleurop-Interflora CVBA”
Hoge Wei 1
1930 Zaventem



Cookies are small pieces of data or text files placed on your local computer by websites. Such cookies can have different purposes: for instance there are technical cookies (language settings for example), session cookies (temporary cookies) and tracking cookies (cookies following and recording your behaviour on the website in order to be able to offer a better user experience).

A cookie contains a unique code which allows the recognition of your browser during a visit to the website or to improve your user experience during repeated visits to the platform.

Cookies can be placed by the server of the website you are visiting or by a partner with whom this website collaborates. The server of the website can only read the cookies it has placed itself. It does not have access to other information contained on your computer or mobile device.

DThe content of a cookie usually consists of the name of the service that placed the cookie, an expiry date and a unique numerical code. Cookies generally ease and speed up the interaction between users and the website and help users navigate between the different parts of the website. Cookies can also be used to personalise the content of the website to the user.

More information on the types of cookies can be found on



1.Necessary cookies

These cookies are essential to be able to visit our websites and to use particular parts of it. These cookies allow you to navigate between the different parts of the website or to complete forms and take part in discussions on our platform for example. If you refuse these cookies, certain parts of the website may not work, or may not work optimally.


2.Functional cookies

Functional cookies are cookies which ease and facilitate the functioning of our website for our users and ensure that you will have a more personalised browsing experience. The website uses a registration or a newsletter for instance. These cookies can also be used to recognise you if your revisit the website and to store your registration details or to remember the preferences you have indicated on the website.


3.Third party cookies

The website uses the following third party cookies:

  • Google (Analytics, (
  • Microsoft (Bing) (
  • Facebook (
  • New Relic (



During your first visit to our website you are asked to accept our different types of cookies.

You can refuse the installation of cookies via your browser settings. Switching off cookies may mean that you can no longer use certain functionalities of the website. On the following website you can find information on how to refuse cookies for most used browsers:

You can also, at any time, remove already installed cookies from your computer or mobile device.

If you wish to use the website without any restrictions, please make sure that cookies are switched on in your browser. To switch on cookies do the following:

Browser – Microsoft Internet Explorer

  • In Internet Explorer, click on ‘Internet options’ in the ‘Extra” menu.
  • Under the ‘Privacy’ tab, move the settings bar to ‘low’ or ‘accept all cookies’ (setting above ‘medium’ switches off cookies).
  • Click on ‘OK’.


Browser – Mozilla Firefox

  • Click on ‘Firefox’ in the top left corner of your browser and then click on ‘Options’.
  • Under the ‘Privacy’ tab, ensure that the ‘Let websites know that I do not wish to be followed’ is not ticked.
  • Click on ‘OK’.


Browser – Google Chrome

  • Click on ‘Extra’ at the top of your browser screen and select ‘Options’.
  • Click on ‘Under the Hood’ tab, find the ‘Privacy’ part and select ‘Content settings’ button.
  • Select ‘Allow local data to be set’.


Browser – Safari

  • Click on the ‘Cog’ pictogram at the top of your browser screen and select the ‘Preference’ option.
  • Click on ‘Security’, tick the option stating: ‘Block cookies from third parties and advertisement cookies’.
  • Click ‘Save’.


Should you, after reading this Cookies Statement, still have questions or comments relating to cookies, please contact

Most recently updated version: 01/05/2018