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Arrangement of cut flowers - Florist’s Choice


Choose a unique flower arrangement, carefully created for you by our local florists. Go for a complete surprised or indicate your color preference in the "comments" during the ordering process: eg neutral, colorful or pastel as well as the shape: round or rectangular.


small medium large custom fixed

Custom price must be higher then the minimum price

Please enter a price to continue


** Delivery location **

** Collect location **

No area found - We recommend that you choose from the list that is automatically shown, when text is submitted in the box

You have to select a location to continue

Delivery is not possible in this city for selected date

Delivery date

** Collect date **

Please select a date first

No delivery possible to this city.

Please select a location before selecting a date

We do not deliver on Sundays or holidays.

Select the desired time frame for the pick-up

** Please choose a location and date before selecting a shop! **
** No shops are available for pick up the request date and location **
** Please select an executor in the list below **


Delivery cost of € [[delivery.cost]] will be added in the next steps

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  • [[ | getByLang: 'en' ]]
    € [[ product.selected.price | price ]]
  • Ici Paris XL e-voucher
    € 25.00
  • Diabolo
    € 9.00
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    € 15.00
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    € 14.00